Chico Divorce Lawyer

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Chico Divorce Attorney

Going through a divorce or a legal separation is rarely a pleasant experience, and several potential issues can arise even between the most amicable of spouses. Retaining a qualified and experienced family lawyer to help you reach a marital settlement can streamline the ordeal and make matters easier for you and your family. A kind and skilled Chico divorce lawyer can guide you throughout the divorce process every step of the way.

Chico Divorce Lawyer

Common Divorce Law Issues We Can Help You With

Generally, every divorce case will include similar components, which must be addressed before the divorce can be finalized. These are some common divorce matters and related family law issues that our legal team is proficient in handling:

  • Marriage dissolution: Also known as divorce, marriage dissolution is the legal process of officially ending the marital union between two people. After filing the petition for divorce, the spouses must wait for the mandatory waiting period, and all relevant matters must be agreed upon before the divorce can be finalized.
  • Legal separation: Legal separation is an alternative to marriage dissolution wherein the spouses remain technically married but live separately from one another and divide their assets as though they were divorced.
  • Child custody: When spouses share biological or adopted children (including step-children) together, there must be an agreement regarding the legal and physical custody of the child until they reach the age of 18.
  • Legal custody: This custody type is the parental right to make important decisions regarding one’s child. Physical custody decides where the child will primarily reside and visitation arrangements for the non-custodial parent. Both forms of custody may be jointly shared between parents or designated solely to one parent.
  • Child support: Child support is a form of financial support that either parent may receive following a divorce, although it’s typically the higher-earning party who provides support payments to the other parent, who is usually the primary caregiver. These support payments go towards the child’s living expenses.
  • Alimony: Also known as spousal support, alimony may be awarded with a divorce case to the lesser-earning spouse if they have requested spousal support. Alimony is meant to help the requesting spouse maintain living standards similar to those they experienced when they were married. How much alimony may be or last will be determined based on the length of marriage, each spouse’s income, capacity to earn wages, and individual needs.
  • Property division: Spouses in California share marital, or community, property that encompasses all assets and debts incurred by either party within the duration of the marriage. Community property must be divided equitably during a divorce, which can easily become a complicated or contentious matter for many couples.

The division of property requires that each spouse discloses all of their assets, and any separate property must be clearly identified to avoid division. Equitable distribution may be complex since not every asset, such as the marital home, can be split 50/50, so compromise and creative problem-solving are required oftentimes.


Q: How Much Does a Divorce Lawyer Cost in California?

A: The cost of a divorce lawyer ranges depending on how they charge for their services (hourly rate, flat fee), where you’re located, the experience of the attorney, and how complex your case is.

A relatively simple divorce—wherein spouses were married for a short time and have little marital property and no children, for example—is likely to cost much less than a divorce for a couple that has been together for an extended period, has minor children, or shares high-value assets.

Q: What If My Spouse Doesn’t Agree to Get a Divorce in CA?

A: In Chico, California, spouses don’t need to agree about divorce in order for one party to file for marriage dissolution. If your spouse has refused to respond to the divorce filing, you can proceed without them after some time has passed. You can write to the court outlining what you would like as far as any divorce decisions, without the input of your spouse, and the court will need to approve any terms you put forth.

Q: How Long Does a Divorce Take on Average in California?

A: How long your divorce may take depends on various factors. According to California’s divorce laws, there’s a mandatory waiting period of six months following the filing of the petition to divorce before the marriage dissolution can be finalized.

Therefore, your divorce proceedings are likely to last for at least six months but may be much longer, depending on how contentious the case is, if there are court delays, or if the spouses’ marital estate is especially large or complicated.

Q: How Is Child Custody Determined in California?

A: Child custody orders are determined by the family court judge overseeing the divorce proceedings. It is the primary goal of the judge to find a custody agreement that’s in line with the child’s interests, betterment, and well-being.

The judge will consider various factors when determining child custody, such as the child’s age, any medical complications they may have, each parent’s ability to care for their child, their relationship with the child, and their average income, among many other factors.

Q: Do I Need a Divorce Attorney If My Spouse and I Agree?

A: Even if a divorce is uncontested and you and your spouse are in general agreement about most or all issues, it’s still recommended that you have a divorce lawyer. The reason for this is that not only can a divorce attorney streamline the process, but it can help to have a legal professional to ensure you understand the laws involved and their implications. Additionally, sometimes problems or unexpected disputes can arise that may warrant a lawyer’s counsel.

Dedicated Divorce Attorney Ready to Work for You

At Eric Alan Berg & Associates, our professional divorce attorneys have years of practical experience handling divorce-related issues in and out of court. Whether your case appears simple or highly contested, we’re here to make the legal process easier for you. Contact our legal team today to schedule a consultation and speak with a qualified divorce lawyer about your circumstances and concerns.

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