Chico Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer

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Chico Domestic Violence Defense Attorney

Domestic violence cases involve both complex legal issues and emotional circumstances. In these types of stressful matters, you will need a Chico domestic violence defense lawyer to advocate for your rights. If you or a loved one needs representation in a domestic violence matter or related claim, our experienced defense team can protect your rights. Our attorneys build a defense strategy specific to your situation while also making sure to advocate for you through every step of the legal process.

Chico Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer

Understanding Domestic Violence and Abuse in Chico, California

In California, domestic violence, according to California Family Code, Section 6211, is considered abuse against someone, including:

  • The offender’s spouse, ex-spouse, or partner they are divorcing or separating from currently
  • Anyone living with the offender or someone who has lived with them in the past (like ex-roommates or partners)
  • The offender’s significant other, romantic interest or fiancée
  • Someone with whom the offender has had a child
  • A child subject to the Uniform Parentage Act
  • Another relative of the offender, including their second-degree family.

California courts have subjective authority to decide whether an act meets the definition of a domestic violence or abuse charge. An attorney can further discuss the California Family Code and help make sure your side of the story is heard.

Understanding the Variety of Penalties in California for a Domestic Violence Conviction

In California, domestic violence penalties will vary depending on the specific facts of your case. The spectrum of jail sentences for convictions for domestic violence can vary from days to several years. The sentence length typically is based on the type of crime, the resulting harm, and any criminal record of the offender. Penalties are determined by sections of California’s Penal Code and are typically decided by a presiding judge.

Some domestic violence crimes are considered misdemeanors. Criminal charges can potentially escalate to a felony (with a potentially longer sentence if convicted and if sexual assault and/or bodily harm occurred).

A prior criminal history plays a large role in determining sentences in domestic violence cases. If a defendant has any previous convictions, they likely can expect a more serious sentence. California courts view repeat offenders as having a greater risk and will typically impose increased jail time and/or more strict terms of probation.

How a Chico, CA Domestic Violence Lawyer Can Assist Your Case

In Chico, if you are dealing with a case involving domestic violence, you need a criminal defense team with experience handling cases like yours. You want a lawyer that is seasoned, deliberate, and responsive to any questions that may arise during the criminal defense process.

An attorney can provide help during legal proceedings and with more complicated situations such as:

  • False accusation
  • Bail reduction
  • Serious “Three Strikes” cases
  • Cases involving drugs or alcohol
  • Charges involving any harm to children
  • Charges involving weapons
  • Probation violations
  • Sexual nature charges

Whatever your situation may be, the penalties for a domestic violence conviction can transform your life.

Find Your Chico, CA Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer Today

Our Chico criminal defense team has experienced success developing legal strategies for cases just like yours. Our team is ready to defend clients against a variety of criminal charges, including any California domestic violence charges.

With legal guidance from the team at Eric Alan Berg & Associates, you’ll get help with any challenges arising from complex and criminal accusations of domestic violence. We are confident the right legal team can provide the compassionate legal defense you need for your domestic violence case.


Q: How Much Does a Domestic Violence Defense Attorney Cost in California?

A: The cost for a domestic violence defense attorney in California can vary depending on many factors, like the attorney’s experience, the specific charges involved, or the nature of the defense case. Generally, the more complex the defense, the higher the costs could be. Also, more experienced attorneys charge higher fees, but an experienced attorney is invaluable when navigating a domestic violence defense case.

Q: How Do I Get a Domestic Violence Case Dismissed in Chico, California?

A: Usually, it can be difficult to get a domestic violence case dismissed in California because the prosecutor, not the victim, decides whether to proceed to trial. However, there are some reasons a dismissal might occur:

  • Plea bargaining with a weak case
  • Lack of evidence
  • Legal technicalities affecting case strength
  • Evidence someone acted in self-defense

Domestic violence cases can become complex, and you should hire a lawyer as soon as possible to achieve a favorable outcome for your circumstances.

Q: What Is the Process for a Domestic Violence Case in Chico, California?

A: In California, the process is to seek bond post-arrest. Then, the case is assigned to a detective to review the police arrest report and investigate. They interview witnesses, make a filing recommendation (even if the alleged victim wants to drop the case), and send the case to the prosecutor to formally file charges.

It is vital to hire a criminal defense lawyer to step in early to defend yourself in a domestic violence case.

Q: What Is Considered Felony Domestic Violence in Chico, California?

A: In the State of California, domestic violence is considered a felony when the incident caused an injury, involved a deadly weapon, or involved a child victim. Also, an abusive pattern or a restraining order violation could also elevate a domestic violence charge to a felony. Most California domestic abuse crimes are classified as “wobbler” offenses, which means the prosecution can decide whether an offense is a misdemeanor or felony, depending on certain criteria.

Exceptional Legal Representation for Chico, CA Domestic Violence Criminal Defense Cases

The attorneys at Eric Alan Berg & Associates know a domestic violence charge can be life-altering. We can offer the compassionate legal defense you deserve in your domestic violence case. Our Chico (Butte County) firm provides client-specific legal counsel for criminal defense claims and determines legal strategies for each case involving serious charges.

The attorneys at Eric Alan Berg & Associates are on your side. In a legal battle, it is vital to have skilled, experienced representation. Contact our office today to schedule an initial consultation.

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